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The Reflection of an Augmented City
By Adrian Doyle Published: May 28th 2021 There was a time when talking to yourself in public meant that you were crazy. Now when I’m at...

Is Melbourne at Risk of Losing it's Cultural Credibility?
By Adrian Doyle Published: March 25th 2021 The people disappeared, the shops shut, and the galleries closed. It has been a struggle at...

New Mural for Melbourne
By Adrian Doyle Published: February 24th 2021 As the planet completes another rotation of the sun, and things really ramp up in 2021 I...

Deck the Walls With Awesome Art
By Adrian Doyle Published: November 25th 2020 Hosier Lane has seen some hard times in the past few years, with the opening of Culture...

Cultural City
By Adrian Doyle Published: September 23rd 2020 In the 1990s Melbourne was a very different city. Most people used the city only for work....

Artists in Isolation
By Adrian Doyle – Blender Studios Published: August 26th 2020 As Melbourne is moving towards the end of lockdown 4, all the artists in...

The Stains of Time
By Adrian Doyle Published: June 25th 2020 Whether it’s the sound of the trams rattling down the road or the endless rows of amazing and...

Isolated Artist
By Adrian Doyle Published: April 23rd 2020 So, what is isolation like for an artist? It has been boring with no parties and openings and...

Tourist Location in Total Disrepair
By Adrian Doyle Published: February 20th 2020 Hosier Lane has been an unaesthetic free-for-all for many years now. After Amac left the...

The Future of Creative Melbourne
By Adrian Doyle Published: January 22nd 2020 One of my friends who was recently painting in a local laneway runs an important blog on...
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